MusicSlots Tool

Open musicSlotsUser.ini file...

Select a musicSlotsUser.ini file to begin.

Click anywhere around the picture to close...


Author name


NFB : Normal frontrunning BPM
NFO : Normal frontrunning offset
FFB : Fast frontrunning BPM
FFO : Fast frontrunning offset

How to use

Import your musicSlotsUser.ini file. It is located in the CTGP-7 MyStuff folder.
Change the values according to your needs.
Music name corresponds to the name of the bcstm files : Channel type is the type of channel used by the music : Frontrunning beats are defined by NFB, NFO, etc.
They are defined by their beats per minute (BPM) and sample offset
(how far into the music the beats will start playing).
They are defined for normal laps and the final (fast) lap.

When you are done, save and put the saved file in the MyStuff folder.

About this page

Made in Belgium. Updated June 2024.
Source code on GitHub